Useful phone numbers/websites
Inverness Airport 01667 464000
Glasgow Airport 0141 887 1111
Edinburgh Airport 0131 333 1000
Scottish City Link 0870 550 5050
Megabus 0901 331 0031
National Rail 0845 748 4950
Aviemore is easily accessible by road, rail and air with frequent direct services from London and good Motorway/A9 North Road connections.
Cairn Cottage is situated in Osprey Grange, adjacent to the Dalfaber Golf and Country Club.
Head north through Aviemore villge and take the last turning on the right into Dalfber Drive. Go over the steam railway crossing and turn second right into Cairn More Road, (pass tennis courts) take second left into Beinn Ghuilbinn. Cairn Cottage (No 11) is at the end of the cul de sac. You have reached your destination.